Friday, November 28, 2008

Hello cutieszz.
Went for training today.
Got our roomies list today and it stinks!
It was good at first but it sucks in the end.
My coach switch ittt. ):
I was with KIMMY and yvonne but in the end ..........
GUIFEN AND SRI >:( sucks to the core lah.
Anyways, went to yck and then to kimmy's house.
Had fun there. Bouncing on the bedd and screaming all :D
then went to pasamalam and had this wonderful icee pop.
It was addicting man.
Went home and and my freaking glass cupboard shattered like shit.
the whole piece of glass crack and stood there lah.
and god, the cupboard is not even one day old ): hahha.
but it was dam cool.

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